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Journal Articles & Book Chapters

Jarayseh T, Debaenst S, Saffel H, Rosseel T, Milazzo M, Bek JW, Hudson D, Van Nieuwerburgh F, Gansemans Y, Josipovic I, Boone MN, Witten PE, Willaert A, Coucke PJ (2025) Bmpr1aa modulates the severity of the skeletal phenotype in an fkbp10-deficient Bruck syndrome zebrafish model. Journal of Bone and Mineral Rresearch, Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 40(1): 154-166, link to article

Kague E, Kwon RY, Busse B, Witten PE, Karasik D (2024) Standardization of bone morphometry and mineral density assessments in zebrafish and other small laboratory fishes using x-ray radiography and micro–computed tomography. Journal of Bone and Mineral Rresearch, 39(12): 1695–1710 link to article

Lund-Ricard Y, Calloch J, Glippa V, Vandenplas S, Huysseune A, Witten PE, Morales J, Boutet A (2024) Postembryonic Maintenance of Nephron Progenitor Cells with Low Translational Activity in the Chondrichthyan Scyliorhinus Canicula. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, in press. link to uncorrected manuscript

Sankar M, Fraser TWK, Nordvik K, Prabhu Philip AJ, Remø S, Hansen TJ, Witten PE, Kryv H, Fjelldal PG (2024) Sequence of formation and inheritance of meristic variation in the post-cranial axial skeleton of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), J Fish Biol, in press

Huysseune & Witten (2024) Experimental induction of supernumerary teeth in zebrafish: oral teeth perhaps, dorsal teeth for sure. PNAS 121(35): e2413178121, link to article

Cotti S, Di Biagio C, Huysseune A, Koppe W, Forlino A, Witten PE (2024) Matrix first, minerals later: fine-tuned dietary phosphate increases bone formation in zebrafish. Journal of Bone and Mineral Rresearch Plus, 8, ziae081, link to article

Lyall BA, Witten PE, Carter CG, Perrott M, Symonds JE, Walker SP, Waddington Z, Amoroso G (2024) The Problems with Pin Bones: Intermuscular bone development and function in salmonids and its implications for aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture,  DOI: 10.1111/raq.12942 link to article

Murugesan S, Kryvi H, Fraser TWK, Philip AJP, Remø S, Hansen TJ, Witten PE, Fjelldal PG. (2024) A new method for regionalization of the vertebral column in salmonids based on radiographic hallmarks. J Fish Biol, link to article

Huysseune A & Witten PE (2024) Continuous tooth replacement: what can teleost fish teach us? Biological Reviews 99: 797 – 819, doi: 10.1111/brv.13045 DOI: 10.1111/brv.13045 link to article

Martini A, Sahd L, Hall BK, Rücklin M, Huysseune A, Boglione C, Witten PE (2023) Deformity or variation? Phenotypic diversity in the zebrafish vertebral column. Journal of Anatomy 00:1–22, DOI: 10.1111/joa.13926 link to article

Huysseune A, Larsen UG, Larionova D, Matthiesen LC, V. Petersen S, Muller M, Witten PE (2023) Bone Formation in Zebrafish: The Significance of DAF-FM DA Staining for Nitric Oxide Detection. Biomolecules 13, 1780, link to article

Huysseune A, Cerny R, Witten EP (2023) The conquest of the oropharynx by odontogenic epithelia. 19 pages, DOI: 10.1201/9781003439653-2 In: Odontodes: The Developmental and Evolutionary Building Blocks of Dentitions. Donglei Chen (ed.) CRC Press, 11 Dec 2023 – 376 pages, ISBN 9781032065151 early view link to article

Drábiková L, Fjelldal PG, Yousaf MN, Morken T, De Clercq A, McGurk C, Witten PE (2023) Elevated water CO2 can prevent dietary induced osteomalacia in post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.). Biomolecules 13, 663, 10.3390/biom13040663 link to article

Dillon D, Witten PE, Buck CL (2023) Evaluating dermal bone as a novel source of endocrine information in ninespine and threespine stickleback fish. Integrative Organismal Biology, link to article

Tonelli F, Leoni L, Daponte V, Gioia R, Cotti S, Fiedler IAK, Larionova D, Willaert A, Coucke PJ, Villani S, Busse B, Besio R, Rossi A, Witten PE, Forlino A (2023) Zebrafish Tric-b is required for skeletal development and bone cells differentiation. Frontiers in Endocrinology, doi 10.3389/fendo.2023.1002914 link to article

Printzi A, Mazurais D, Witten PE, Madec L, Zambonino-Infante J-L, Koumoundouros G (2023) Juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio) are able to recover from lordosis. Scientific Reports 12:21533, link to article

Witten PE & Hall BK (2022) The Notochord. Development, Evolution and contributions to the vertebral column. First edition, 266 pages. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, ISBN: 9781498787918. link to book

Nie C-H, Wan S-M, Chen Y-L, Huysseune A, Wu Y-M, Zhou J-J, Hilsdorf AWS, Wang W-M, Witten PE, Lin Q, Gao Z-X (2022) Single-cell transcriptomes and runx2b−/− mutants reveal the genetic signatures of intermuscular bone formation in zebrafish. National Science Review, nwac152,, link to article

Drábiková L, Fjelldal PG, De Clercq A, Naveed Y, Morken T, McGurk C, Witten PE (2022) What will happen to my smolt at harvest? Individually tagged Atlantic salmon help to understand possible progression and regression of vertebral deformities. Aquaculture 559, 738430 link to article

Di Biagio C, Dellacqua Z, Martini A, Huysseune A, Witten PE, Boglione C (2022) A baseline for skeletal investigations in medaka (Oryzias latipes): the effects of rearing density on the postcranial phenotype. Frontiers Endocrinology, 13:893699. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.893699, link to article

Cotti S, Huysseune A, Larionova D, Koppe W, Forlino A, Witten PE (2022) Compression Fractures and Partial Phenotype Rescue with a Low Phosphorus Diet in the Chihuahua Zebrafish Osteogenesis Imperfecta Model. Frontiers in Endocrinology 13: 851879. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.851879 link to article

Huysseune A, Soenens M, Sire J-Y, Witten PE (2022) High-Resolution Histology for Craniofacial Studies on Zebrafish and Other Teleost Models. Methods in Molecular Biology 2403: 249-262 link to article

Huysseune A, Cerny R, Witten PE (2022) The Origin of Pharyngeal Teeth: The Role of Germ Layers, Pouches, and Gill Slits. Biological Reviews 97: 414–447. doi: 10.1111/brv.1280 link to article

Witten PE & Hall BK (2021) The Ancient, Segmented, Active and Permanent Notochord. In: Ancient Fishes and their Living Relatives: a Tribute to John G. Maisey. Alan Pradel, John S. S. Denton & Philippe Janvier (eds.): pp. 210-219. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, Germany – ISBN 978-3-89937-269-4 link to article

Rosa JT, Witten PE, Huysseune A (2021) Cells at the edge: the dentin-bone interface in zebrafish teeth. Frontiers in Physiology, 12:723210. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.723210 link to article

Kague E, Turci F, Newman E, Yang Y, Robson Brown K, Aglan MS, Otaify GA, Temtamy SA, Ruiz-Perez VL, Cross S, Royall CP, Witten PE, Hammond CL (2021) 3D assessment of intervertebral disc degeneration in zebrafish identifies changes in bone density that prime disc disease. Bone Research 9:39;, link to article

Qu M, Liu YL, Zhang YH, Wan SM, Ravi V, Qin G, Jiang H, Wang X, Zhang HX, Zhang B, Gao ZX, Huysseune A, Zhang ZX, Zhang H, Chen ZL, Yu HY, Wu YL, Tang L, Li CY, Zhong J, Ma LM, Wang FL, Zheng HK, Yin JP, Witten PE, Meyer A, Venkatesh B, Lin Q, (2021) Seadragon genome analysis provides insights into its phenotype and sex determination locus. Science Advances, 7, (34), eabg5196, DOI10.1126/sciadv.abg5196, link to article

Drábiková L, Fjelldal PG, De Clercq A, Yousaf MN, Morken T, McGurk C, Witten PE (2021) Vertebral column adaptations in juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, L. as a response to dietary phosphorus. Aquaculture 541,, link to article

de Azevedo AM, Fontanillas R, Owen MAG, Busti S, Parma L, Bonaldo A, Witten PE, Huysseune A (2021) A quantitative analysis of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juvenile dentition as a tool to assess the effect of diet. Can. J. Zool. 99: 548 – 556,, link to article, link to article

Witten PE, Huysseune A, Maisey JG, Winkler C, Gong Z (eds.) Special Issue 2021. From Fossils to Farming Fish Skeletal Research Across Disciplines. Journal of fish Biology 98(4): 903-1071 link to volume

Witten PE, Huysseune A, Maisey JG, Winkler C, Gong Z (2021) A Boost for Fish Skeletal Research. Journal of Fish Biology 98: 903-905 DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14556 link to article

Bek JW, De Clercq A, De Saffel H, Soenens M, Huysseune A, Witten PE, Coucke P, Willaert A (2021) Photoconvertible fluorescent proteins: A versatile tool in zebrafish skeletal imaging. J Fish Biol 98: 1007-1017, link to article

Martini A, Huysseune A, Witten PE, Boglione C (2021) Plasticity of the skeleton and skeletal deformations in zebrafish (Danio rerio) linked to rearing density. Journal of Fish Biology 98: 971-986, link to article

Printzi A, Fragkoulis S, Dimitriadi A, Keklikoglou K, Arvanitidis C, Witten PE, Koumoundouros G (2021) Exercise induced lordosis in zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822). Journal of Fish Biology 98: 987-994,  link to article 

Cotti S, Huysseune A, Koppe W, Rücklin M, Marone F, Wölfel EM, Fiedler IAK, Busse B, Forlino A, Witten PE (2020) More Bone with Less Minerals? The Effects of Dietary Phosphorus on the Post-Cranial Skeleton in Zebrafish. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 5429; doi:10.3390/ijms21155429 link to article

Oralová V, Rosa JT, Larionova D, Witten PE, Huysseune A (2020) Multiple epithelia are required to develop teeth deep inside the pharynx. PNAS 117(21): ‏ 11503-1151 link to article

Tonelli F, Cotti S, Leoni L, Besio R, Gioia R, Gistelinck C, Wagner R, Larionova D, Fiedler I, Busse B, Eyre D, Rossi A, Witten PE, Forlino A (2020) Crtap and p3h1 knock out zebrafish support defective collagen chaperoning as the cause of their osteogenesis imperfecta phenotype. Matrix Biology, 90: 40-60  link to article

Prondvai E, Witten PE, Abourachid A, Huysseune A, Adriaens D (2020) Extensive chondroid bone in juvenile duck limbs hints at accelerated growth mechanism in avian skeletogenesis. Journal of Anatomy, 236: 463-473, link to article

Rosa J, Oralová V, Larionova D, Eisenhoffer GT, Witten PE, Huysseune A (2019) Periderm invasion contributes to epithelial formation in the teleost pharynx. Scientific Reports, 9:10082,, link to article

Fraser TWK, Witten PE, Albrektsen S, Breck O, Fontanillas R, Nankervis L, Thomsen TH, Koppe W, Sambraus F, Fjelldal PG (2019) Phosphorus nutrition in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Life stage and temperature effects on bone pathologies. Aquaculture, 511 (2019) 734246.  link to article

Oralová V, Rosa JT, Witten PE, Soenens M, Bek JW, Willaert A, Huysseune A (2019) Beyond the whole mount phenotype: high resolution imaging in fluorescence-based applications on zebrafish. Biology Open 2019 8: bio042374 doi: 10.1242/bio.042374, link to article

Witten PE, Fjelldal PG, Huysseune A, McGurk C, Obach A, Owen MAG (2019) Bone without minerals and its secondary mineralization in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): The recovery from phosphorus deficiency. Journal of Experimental Biology (2019) 222, jeb188763. doi:10.1242/jeb.188763, link to article

Freese M, Rizzo LY, PohlmannJ-G, Marohn L, WittenPE, Gremse F, Rütten S, Güvener N, Michael S, WysujackK, Lammers T, Kiessling F, Hollert H, Hanel R, Brinkmann M (2019) Bone resorption and body reorganization during maturation induce maternal transfer of toxic metals in anguillid eels. PNAS, /pnas.1817738116 link to article

Thuong NC, Prondvai E, De Kegel B, De Wolf T, Witten PE, Adriaens D (2019) Morphological and histological characterization of an ectopically mineralized structure in a gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata with opercular deformation, Journal of Fish Diseases, DOI: 10.1111/jfd.13044 link to article

Hall BK, Witten PE (2019) Plasticity and Variation of Skeletal Cells and Tissues and the Evolutionary Development of Actinopterygian Fishes. In: Johanson Z, Underwood C, Richter M (eds.) Evolution and Development of Fishes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107179448  link to book

Gistelinck C, Kwon RY, Malfait F, Symoens S, Harris MP, Henke K, Hawkins MB, Fisher S, Sips P, Guillemyn B, Bek JW, Vermassen P, De Saffel H, Witten PE, Weis MA, De Paepe A, Eyre DR, Willaert A, Coucke PJ (2018) Zebrafish type I collagen mutants faithfully recapitulate human type I collagenopathies. PNAS 115( 34): E8037–E8046, link to article

Christou M, Iliopoulou M, Witten PE, Koumoundouros G (2018) Segmentation pattern of zebrafish caudal fin is affected by developmental temperature and defined by multiple fusions between segments. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution J Exp Zool (Mol Dev Evol) 330: 330 – 340 link to article

De Clercq A, Perrott MR, DaviePS, Preece MA, Owen MAG, HuysseuneA, Witten PE (2018) Temperature sensitive regions of the Chinook salmon vertebral column. Vestiges and meristic variation. Journal of Morphology 279: 1301-1311 link to article

Suniaga S, Rolvien T, vom Scheidt A, Fiedler IAK, Bale HA, Huysseune A, Witten PE, Amling M, Busse B (2018) Increased mechanical loading through controlled swimming exercise induces bone formation and mineralization in adult zebrafish. Scientific Reports 8, Article number: 3646, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-21776-1 link to article

Kague E, Witten PE, Soenens M, Campos C, Lubiana T, Fisher S, Hammond C, Robson Brown K, Passos-Bueno MR, Huysseune A (2018) Zebrafish sp7 mutants show tooth cycling independent of attachment, eruption and poor differentiation of teeth. Developmental Biology 435(2): 176-184 link to article

Huysseune A, Witten PE (2018) Tooth shape in teleosts and its link to tooth spacing and replacement. Cybium, 42(1): 19- 27 link to article

De Clercq A, Perrott MR, Davie PS, Preece MA, Huysseune A, Witten PE (2018) The external phenotype-skeleton link in post-hatch farmed Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). J Fish Dis, 41(3): 511-527 Link to article

Witten PE, Cancela ML (2018) What aquaculture does for taxonomy, evo-devo, palaeontology, biomechanics and biomedical research. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 34(2):429–430 link to article

Woltmann I, Shkil F, De Clercq A, Huysseune A, Witten PE (2018) Supernumerary teeth in the pharyngeal dentition of slow developing zebrafish. J Appl Ichthyol 34(2): 455–464  link to article

Boglione C, Gavaia P, Koumoundouros G, Gisbert E, Moren M, Fontagné S, Witten PE (2018) Skeletal Anomalies in Reared European Fish Larvae and Juveniles. Part 1: Normal and Anomalous Skeletogenic Processes. 219-254. In: Conceição LEC, Tandler A (eds.) Success Factors for Fish Larval Production. Wiley; 504 pages. ISBN 1119072166, 9781119072164

Boglione C, Gisbert E, Gavaia P, Witten PE, Moren M, Fontagné S, Koumoundouros G (2018) Skeletal Anomalies in Reared European Fish Larvae and Juveniles. Part 2: Main Typologies, Occurrences and Causative Factors. 255-330. In: Conceição LEC, Tandler A (eds.) Success Factors for Fish Larval Production. Wiley; 504 pages. ISBN 1119072166, 9781119072164

De Clercq A, Perrott MR, Davie PS, Preece MA, Wybourne B, Ruff N, Huysseune A, Witten PE (2017) Vertebral column regionalisation in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Journal of Anatomy 231: 500—514 Link to Article

Tan WH,  Witten PE,  Winkler C,  Au DTW,  Huysseune A (2017) Telomerase expression in medaka (Oryzias melastigma) pharyngeal teeth. Journal of Dental Research, 96(6): 678 –684 Link to Article

De Swaef E, Claeys M,  Bert W, Huysseune A, Witten PE,  Van den Broeck W, Decostere A (2017) Ultrastructural morphology of the envelope of Dover sole Solea solea eggs from fertilization until hatching with emphasis on sample preparation. Micron 99: 9-18 Link to Article

Witten PE, Harris MP, Huysseune A, Winkler C (2017) Small Teleost Fish Provide New Insights into Human Skeletal Diseases. Methods in Cell Biology 138, 321-346 Link to Article

Yu T, Graf M, Renn J, Schartl M, Larionova D, Huysseune A, Witten PE, Winkler C (2017) A vertebrate specific and essential role for sp7/osterix in osteogenesis revealed by gene knock-out in the teleost medaka. Development, 144: 265-271 Link to Article

Rolvien T,  Nagel F,  Milovanovic P, Wuertz S,   Marshall PR,  Jeschke A,  Schmidt FN,  Hahn M,  Witten PE,  Amling M, Busse B (2016) How the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) loses its skeletal framework across lifetime. Proceedings of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences, 283: 20161550., Link to Article, Open Access

Gistelinck C, Witten PE, Huysseune A, Symoens S, Malfait F, Larionova D, Simoens P, Dierick M, Van Hoorebeke L, De Paepe A, Kwon RY, Weis M-A, Eyre DR, Willaert A, Coucke PJ (2016) Loss of Type I Collagen Telopeptide Lysyl Hydroxylation Causes Musculoskeletal Abnormalities in a Zebrafish Model of Bruck Syndrome. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 31(11), 1930-1942 Link Article

Vandenplas S,  Willems M, Witten PE, Hansen T, Fjelldal PG, Huysseune A (2016) Epithelial label retaining cells are absent during tooth cycling in Salmo salar and Polypterus senegalus. PloS ONE, PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0152870, Link to Article, Open Access

Witten PE, Owen MAG, Fontanillas R, Soenens M, McGurk C, Obach A (2016) Primary phosphorous-deficiency in juvenile Atlantic salmon: the uncoupling of bone formation and mineralisation. Journal of Fish Biology 88: 690-708, Link to Article, Open Access

Bensimon-Brito A, Cardeira J, Dionísio G, Huysseune A, Cancela ML, Witten PE (2016) Revisiting in vivo staining with Alizarin red S – a valuable approach to analyse zebrafish skeletal mineralization during development and regeneration. BMC Developmental Biology, 16:2 DOI: 10.1186/s12861-016-0102-4 Link to Article, Open Access

Witten PE, Owen MAG (2016) Judicious use of phosphorous key to farmed fish health. The Global Aquaculture Alliance. January 18, 2016, 1-3 Link to Article, Open Access

Gistelinck C, Gioia R, Gagliardi A, Tonelli F, Marchese L, Laura Bianchi, Landi C, Bini L, Huysseune A, Witten PE, Staes A, Gevaert K,  De Rocker N,  Menten B,  Malfait F, Leikin S, Carra S, Tenni R, Rossi A, De Paepe A, Coucke P, Willaert A, Forlino A (2016) Zebrafish Collagen Type I: Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of the Major Structural Protein in Bone and Skin. Scientific Reports 6:21540 DOI: 10.1038/srep21540 LInk to Article, Open Access

Yu T, Witten PE, Huysseune A , Buettner A, To TT , Winkler C (2016) Live imaging of osteoclast inhibition by bisphosphonates in a medaka osteoporosis model. Disease Models & Mechanisms 9: 155-163 Link to Article Open Access

Dean M,  Ekstrom L,  Ornan EM, Ballantyne J, Witten PE, Riley C, Habraken W, Omelon S (2015) Mineral homeostasis and regulation of mineralization processes  in the skeletons of sharks, rays and relatives (Elasmobranchii). Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 46: 51-67, Link to Article

Seemann F, Peterson DR, Witten PE, Guo B-S, Shantanagouda AH, Ye RR,  Zhang G, Au DWT (2015) Insight into the transgenerational effect of benzo[a]pyrene on bone formation in a teleost fish (Oryzias latipes).Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C, 178: 60-67, Link to Article

To TT, Witten PE, Huysseune A, Winkler C (2015) An adult osteopetrosis model in medaka reveals importance of osteoclast function for bone remodeling in teleost fish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C, 178: 68-75, Link to Article

Witten PE, Hall BK (2015) Teleost Skeletal Plasticity: Modulation, Adaptation, and Remodelling. Copeia 103 (4):727-739, Link to Article, open Access

Symoens S,  Barnes AM, Gistelinck C, Malfait F, Guillemyn B, Steyaert W, Syx D, D’hondt S, Biervliet M, De Backer J, Witten PE, Leikin S, Makareeva E, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Huysseune A, Vleminckx K, Willaert A, De Paepe A, Marini JC, Coucke PJ (2015) Genetic defects in TAPT1 disrupt ciliogenesis and cause a complex lethal osteochondrodysplasia. The American Journal of Human Genetics 97(4):521–534, Link to Article, Open Accsess

Willems B, Shijie T, Yu T, Huysseune A, Witten PE,  Winkler C (2015) The Wnt co-receptor Lrp5 is required for cranial neural crest cell migration in zebrafish. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0131768. doi:10.1371, Link to Article, Open Access

Bruneel B, Witten PE (2015) Power and challenges of using zebrafish as a model for skeletal tissue imaging. Connective Tissue Research 56(2):161-173, Link to Article

Witten PE, Sire J-Y, Huysseune A (2014) Old, new and new-old concepts about the evolution of teeth. J Appl Ichthyol 30(4):636-642, Link to Article

Gabor KA, Goody MF, Mowel WK, Breitbach ME, Gratacap RL, Witten PE, Kim CH (2014) Influenza A Virus Infection in Zebrafish Recapitulates Mammalian Infection and Sensitivity to Anti-Influenza Drug Treatment. Disease Models & Mechanisms 7:1227-1237, Link to Article, Open Access

Loizides M, Georgiou AN, Somarakis S, Witten PE, Koumoundouros G (2014) A new type of lordosis and vertebral body compression in Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758): Aetiology, anatomy and consequences for survival. Journal of Fish Diseases 37:949–957, Link to Article

Fjelldal PG, Albrektsen S, Witten PE, Fontanillas R, Nankervis L, Thomsen TH, Breck O (2014) Beinhelse og fosforbehov i laks: Sluttrapport (bone health and phosphor requirements of salmon: final report). Rapport fra Havforskningen, Nr. 29–2014. ISSN 1893-4536, Link to Article, Open Access

Harris MP, Henke K, Hawkins MB, Witten PE (2014) Fish is Fish: the use of experimental model species to reveal causes of skeletal diversity in evolution and disease. Appl Ichthyol 30(4):616-629 Link To Article

Poirier Stewart N, Deschamps MH, Witten PE, Le Luyer J, Proulx E, Huysseune A, Bureau DP, Vandenberg GW (2014) X-ray-based morphometrics: an approach to diagnose vertebral abnormalities in under-mineralized vertebrae of juvenile triploid all-female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed with a phosphorus deficient diet. J Appl Ichthyol 30(4):496-803 Link to Article

Witten PE, Cancela ML (2014) Fish Skeletal Biology and Beyond. J Appl Ichthyol 30(4):597-599 Link to Article

Witten PE, Hall BK, Sire J-Y, Huysseune A, Gisbert E, Rosenthal H, Laize V, Winkler C (eds.) (2014) Proceedings of the Third International Conference: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology. April 22–24, 2013 Tavira, Algarve, Portugal. J Appl Ichthyol 30(4):597-840 Link to Journal Volume

Boglione C, Gavaia P, Koumoundouros G, Gisbert E, Moren M, Fontagné S, Witten PE (2013) A review on skeletal anomalies in reared european fish larvae and juveniles. Part 1: normal and anomalous skeletogenic processes. Reviews in Aquaculture 5 (Suppl. 1): S99–S1 20 Link to Article, Open Access

Boglione C, Gisbert E, Gavaia P, Witten PE, Moren M, Fontagné S, Koumoundouros G (2013) A review on skeletal anomalies in reared european fish larvae and juveniles. Part 2: Main typologies, occurrences and causative factors. Reviews in Aquaculture 5 (Suppl. 1): S121–S 167 Link to Article, Open Access

Izquierdo MS, Scolamacchia M, Betancor M, Roo J, Caballero MJ, Terova G, Witten PE (2012) Effects of dietary DHA and α-tocopherol on bone development, early mineralisation and oxidative stress in Sparus aurata (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae. British Journal of Nutrition 109(10):1796-1805 Link to Article, Open Access

Bensimon-Brito A, Cardeira J, Cancela ML, Huysseune A, Witten PE (2012) Distinct patterns of notochord mineralization in zebrafish coincide with the localization of Osteocalcin isoform 1 during early vertebral centra formation. BMC Developmental Biology 12:28 Link to Article, Open Access

To TT, Witten PE, Renn J, Bhattacharya D, Huysseune A, Winkler C (2012) Rankl induced osteoclastogenesis leads to loss of mineralization in a medaka osteoporosis model. Development 139:141-150 Link to Article, Open Access

Willems B, Buettner A, Huysseune A, Renn J, Witten PE, Winkler C (2012) Conditional ablation of osteoblasts in medaka. Developmental Biology 364:128-137 Link to Article, Open Access

Bensimon-Brito A, Cancela ML, Huysseune A, Witten PE (2012) Vestiges, rudiments and fusion events: the zebrafish caudal fin endoskeleton in an evo-devo perspective. Evolution & Development 14(1):116-127 Link to Article

Gil-Martens L, Fjelldal PG, Lock EJ, Wargelius A, Wergeland H, Witten PE, Hansen, T Waagbø R, Ørnsrud R (2012) Dietary phosphorus does not reduce the risk for spinal deformities in a model of adjuvant-induced inflammation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post-smolts. Aquaculture Nutrition 18(1):12-20 link to Article

Witten PE, Sire J-Y, Gitelman I, Mabee PM, Rosenthal H, Laize V, Darias MJ, Winkler C (eds.) (2012) Proceedings of the Secound International Conference: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology. April 26–28, 2011 Tavira, Algarve, Portugal. J Appl Ichthyol 28(3): 297-488 link to Journal Volume

Pais de Azevedo T, Witten PE, Huysseune A, Bensimon-Brito A, Winkler C, To TT, Palmeirim I (2012) Interrelationship and modularity of notochord and somites: A comparative view on zebrafish and chicken vertebral body development. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 28(3): 316-319 link to article

Fjelldal PG, Hansen T, Breck O, Ørnsrud R, Lock EJ, Waagbø R, Wargelius A, Witten PE (2012) Vertebral deformities in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) – etiology and pathology. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 28(3):433-440 link to Volume

Witten PE, Cancala ML (2012) Preface: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 28(3):297-299 link to Article

Witten PE, Huysseune A (2012) Ongoing research supports healthy fish skeletons. Global Aquaculture Advocate March/April:46-47 link to article

Dewit J, Witten PE, Huysseune A (2011) The mechanism of cartilage subdivision in the reorganization of the zebrafish pectoral fin endoskeleton. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 316:584-597 link to Article

Apschner A, Schulte-Merker S, Witten PE (2011) Not all bones are created equal – using zebrafish and other teleost species in osteogenesis research. Methods in Cell Biology 105:239-255 link to article

Nguyen THT, Huysseune A, Witten PE (2011) Influence of temperature on fusion process and malformation in skeleton of zebrafish (Danio rerio). J Sci Dev 9 (Eng. Iss. 1): 47 – 54

Gil-Martens L, Lock EJ, Fjelldal PG, Wargelius A, Araujo P, Torstensen BE, Witten PE, Hansen T, Waagbø R, Ørnsrud R (2010) Dietary fatty acids and inflammation in the vertebral column of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts: a possible link to spinal deformities. J Fish Diseases 33, 957–972

Ytteborg E, Vegusdal A, Witten PE, Berge G, Takle H, Østbye TK, Ruyter B (2010) Atlantic salmon precursor cells from white muscle differentiate into osteoblasts in vitro: Polyunsaturated fatty acids and temperature influence gene expression and PGE2 production. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1801:127–137

Witten PE, Huysseune A, Rosenthal H, Cancela ML, eds. (2010) Proceedings of the first International workshop: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology. April 27–29, 2009 Tavira, Algarve, Portugal. J Appl Ichthyol 26(2):147–382

Witten PE, Huysseune A (2010) The unobtrusive majority: Mononucleated bone resorbing cells in teleost fish and mammals. J Appl Ichthyol 26(2):225-229

Huysseune A, Sire JY, Witten PE (2010) A revised hypothesis on the evolutionary origin of the vertebrate dentition. J Appl Ichthyol 26(2):152–155

Dewit J, Witten PE, Willems M, Huysseune A (2010) The distribution of fibronectin in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio) cartilage. J Appl Ichthyol 26(2):205–209

Bensimon-Brito A, Cancela ML, Huysseune A, Witten PE (2010) The zebrafish (Danio rerio) caudal complex – a model to study vertebral body fusion. J Appl Ichthyol 26(2):235–238

Witten PE, Huysseune A, Hall BK (2010) A practical approach for the identification of the many cartilaginous tissues in teleost fish. J Appl Ichthyol 26(2):257–262

Cancela ML, Witten PE (2010) Advances in skeletal biology by understanding the fish skeleton: a multidisciplinary challenge. J Appl Ichthyol 26(2):147

Witten PE, Huysseune A (2009) A comparative view on mechanisms and functions of skeletal remodelling in teleost fish, with special emphasis on osteoclasts and their function. Biological Reviews, 84:315-346 Link to Article

Witten PE, Gil-Martens L, Huysseune A, Takle H, Hjelde K (2009) Towards a classification and an understanding of developmental relationships of vertebral body malformations in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture, 295:6-14 link to article

Berge GM, Witten PE, Baeverfjord G, Vegusdal A, Wadsworth S, Ruyter B (2009) Diets with different n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio in diets for juvenile Atlantic salmon, effects on growth, body composition, bone development and eicosanoid production. Aquaculture, 296:299-308

Huysseune A, Sire JY, Witten PE (2009) Evolutionary and developmental origins of the vertebrate dentition. Journal of Anatomy, 214:465-467 Link to Article, Open Access

Huysseune A, Takle H, Soenens M, Taerwe K, Witten PE (2008) Unique and shared gene expression patterns in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) tooth development. Development Genes and Evolution 218:427-437 Link to Article

Huysseune A, Witten PE (2008) An evolutionary view on tooth development and replacement in wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Evolution and Development 10(1):6-14 link to article

Huysseune A, Hall BK, Witten PE (2007) Establishment, maintenance and modifications of the lower jaw dentition of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) throughout its life cycle. Journal Anatomy 211:471–484

Hall BK, Witten PE (2007)  Plasticity of and Transitions Between Skeletal Tissues in Vertebrate Evolution and Development. In: Anderson JS, Sues H-D (eds), Major Transitions in Vertebrate Evolution. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN. 432 pages

Witten PE, Huysseune A (2007) Mechanisms of Chondrogenesis and Osteogenesis in Fins. In: Hall BK (ed.) Fins into Limbs: Evolution, Development, and Transformation. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago:79-92

Huysseune A, Witten PE (2006) Patterning of development in continuously replacing osteichthyan dentitions. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol Dev Evol) 306B (3):204-215

Helland S, Denstadli V, Witten P. E., Hjelde K, Storebakken T, Baeverfjord G (2006) Occurrence of hyper dense vertebrae in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed diets with graded levels of phytic acid. Aquaculture 261:603-614

Witten PE, Obach A, Huysseune A , Baeverfjord G (2006) Vertebrae fusion in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Development, aggravation and pathways of containment. Aquaculture 258:164-172

Gil-Martens L, Witten PE, Fivelstad S, Huysseune A, Sævareid B, Obach A (2006) Impact of high water carbon dioxide levels on Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar L.): Effects on bone and fish performance. Aquaculture 261 (1):80-88

Gillis JA, Witten PE, Hall BK (2006) Chondroid Bone and secondary cartilage contribute to apical dentary growth in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar Linnaeus (1758). Journal of Fish Biology 68:1-11

Franz-Odendaal T, Hall BK, Witten PE (2006) Buried alive: how osteoblasts become osteocytes? Developmental Dynamics 235:176–190

Bæverfjord G, Espmark Å, Helland S, Lein I, Witten PE (2006) Deformities in Salmon: Temperature is a key factor in smolt production (Deformiteter hos laks: Temperatur i smoltproduksjonen er en nøkkelfaktor). Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 10:55-57

Witten PE, Gil-Martens L, Hall BK, Huysseune A, Obach A (2005) Compressed vertebrae in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Evidence for metaplastic chondrogenesis as a skeletogenic response late in ontogeny. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 64:237-246

Huysseune A, Delgado S, Witten PE (2005) How to replace a tooth: fish(ing) for answers. Oral Biosciences & Medicine 2 (2/3):75-81

Legere JKD, Handrigan G, Budney L, Cole AG, Fedak T, Franz-Odendaal T, Vickaryous M, Witten PE, Hall BK (2005) Something Old, Something New: Inferring Developmental Mode from the Fossil Record. The Palaeontology Newsletter 58:26-31

Pressley ME, Phelan PE, Witten PE, Mellon MT, Kim CH (2005) Pathogenesis and Inflammatory Response to Edwardsiella tarda Infection in the Zebrafish. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 29 (6):501-513

Gil-Martens L, Obach A, Ritchie G, Witten PE (2005) Analysis of a short tail type in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Fish Veterinary Journal 8:71-79

Witten PE, Hall BK, Huysseune A (2005) Are breeding teeth in Atlantic salmon a component of the drastic alterations of the oral facial skeleton? Archives of oral Biology 50:213-217

Phelan PE, Pressley ME, Witten PE, Mellon MT, Blake S, Nicholson B, Kim CH (2005) Characterization of Viral Infection with Snakehead Rhabdovirus in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Virology 79(3):1842-1852

Witten PE, Rosenthal H, Hall BK (2004) Mechanisms and consequences of the formation of a kype (hook) on the lower jaw of male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Mitt hamb zool Mus Inst 101:149-156

Lewis LM, Lall, SP. Witten PE (2004) Morphological descriptions of the early stages of spine and vertebral development in hatchery-reared larval and juvenile Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). Aquaculture 241:47-59

Roy PK, Witten PE, Hall BK, Lall SP (2004) Effects of dietary phosphorus on bone growth and mineralisation of vertebrae in haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.). Fish Physiology & Biochemistry 2002/27:35-48

Witten PE, Huysseune A, Franz-Odendaal T, Fedak T, Vickaryous M, Cole A, Hall BK (2004) Acellular teleost bone: primitive or derived, dead or alive? The Palaeontology Newsletter 55:37-41 link to article

Witten PE, Falk TM, Abban EK, Lüssen A, Villwock W, Renwrantz L (2003) The use of xenoantigenic antisera for the identification of tilapiine species: Comparative laboratory and field studies. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 19:352-358

Witten PE, Hall BK (2003) Seasonal changes in the lower jaw skeleton in male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): remodelling and regression of the kype after spawning. Journal of Anatomy 203:435-450

Marxen JC, Witten PE, Finke D, Reelsen O, Rezgaoui M, Becker W (2003) Biomineralization-relevant enzymes in the embryonic shell-forming tissue of the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata, a light- and electron microscopic study. Invertebrate Biology 122(4):313-325

Witten PE, Hall BK (2002) Differentiation and growth of kype skeletal tissues in anadromous male Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). International Journal of Developmental Biology 46:719-730

Witten PE, Hansen A, Hall BK (2001) Features of mono and multinucleated bone resorbing cells of the zebrafish Danio rerio and their contribution to skeletal development, remodeling and growth. Journal of Morphology 250:197-207

Witten PE, Hall BK (2001) The salmon kype. How does it grow? What’s its purpose? Does it disappear after spawning? Atlantic Salmon Journal 50(3):36-39

Witten PE, Villwock W, Peters N, Hall BK (2000) Bone resorption and bone remodelling in juvenile carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 16:254-261

Witten PE (2000) A true to nature laboratory simulation for the analysis of heavy metal elutriation from natural and slag stones and its effect on freshwater snails (orig. in German)]. Institut für Natur und Umweltforschung (INUF) des Vereins Jordsand, Arendsburg

Witten PE, Holliday LS, Delling G, Hall BK (1999) Immunohistochemical identification of a vacuolar proton pump (V-ATPase) in bone-resorbing cells of an advanced teleost species (Oreochromis niloticus, Teleostei, Cichlidae). Journal of Fish Biology 55:1258-1272

Witten PE, Villwock W, Watermann B (1999) About the use of radiological, histological, and enzyme histochemical procedures to visualise bone resorption at developing and at pathological altered skeletons of advanced teleosts. In: Wedekind H (ed). Krankheiten der Aquatischen Orga­nismen. EAFP-Schrift zur Tagung der deutschen Sektion der European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP) am 23-25 September 1998. Institut für Binnenfischerei Postsdam Sacrow e.v., Groß Glinicke:188-200 (ISBN 0952624257)

Witten PE, Villwock W, Renwrantz L (1998) Haematogram of the Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae, Teleostei) and application of a putative phenoloxidase for differentiation between neutrophilic granulocytes and monocytes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:310-319

Witten PE (1997) Enzyme histochemical characteristics of osteoblasts and mononucleated osteoclasts in a teleost fish with acellular bone (Oreochromis niloticus, Cichlidae). Cell and Tissue Research 287:591-599

Witten PE, Villwock W (1997) Growth requires bone resorption at particular skeletal elements in a teleost fish with acellular bone (Oreochromis niloticus, Teleostei: Cichlidae). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 13 (4):149-158

Ide I, Witten PE, Fischer J, Kalbfus W, Zellner A, Stroben E, Watermann B (1997) Accumulation of organotin-compounds in the common whelk (Buccinum undatum) and the red whelk (Neptunea antiqua) in association with imposex. Marine Ecology Progress Series 152:197-203

Watermann B, Ide I, Liebe S, Witten PE (1996) Hemocyte infiltration and granulocytome formation in gastropods and bivalves: Indicators for environmental charges (orig. in German)]. German Veterinary Medical Society. Tagung der Fachgrupe “Fischkrankheiten, Königswartha, 24.-26. September 1996. Verlag der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft, Gießen: 218-229

Fischer J, Witten PE (1996) Genetically altered fish and its environmental implications (orig. in German)] In: Sprenger U, Knirsch J, Lanje K (eds.). Unternehmen zweite Natur (Oekozid 12). Focus Verlag, Giessen. pp 156-166

Witten PE (1995) Formation and resorption of acellular teleost bone. Histological and enzyme histochemical studies on Oreochromis niloticus (L., 1757) (Teleostei: Cichlidae) (language: German)]. Ph.D.-Thesis, Faculty of Biology, University of Hamburg, Germany. pp146